Management Committee

WIRE Cost Management Structure – Management Committee

CTRYFirst nameLast nameInstitution
PTPaulo BritoBritoInstituto Politecnico de Portalegre
ELGeorge SkevisCentre for Research and Technology Hellas
ATKatharina FürsatzBEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
CYMaria G. AntoniouCyprus University of Technology
DEReinhard RauchKarlruher Institut für Technologie
DEFabian MaussElectrical and Thermal Energy Systems
DKJens Ejbye SchmidtUniversity of Southern Denmark
ESPedroHaroUniversidad de Sevilla
ESFrancisco M.CánovasUniversidad de Málaga
EEMargitOlleNPO Veggies Cultivation
FREduardoRoblesInstitute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials (IPREM)
FIAnttiHaapalaUniversity of Eastern Finland
FIMarcBorregaVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
ELGeorgeSkevisCentre for Research and Technology Hellas
HUÁgnesSzegediResearch Centre for Natural Sciences
HUGyulaNovodárszkiInstitute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry Research Centre for Natural Sciences
ITMarade JoannonConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
ITCorinna MariaGrottolaIstituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili (STEMS)
ILNedalMassalhaThe Institute of Applied Research
IEWitoldKwapinskiUniversity of Limerick
IEEoinSyronUniversity College Dublin
ISÓlafurÖgmundarsonUniversity of Iceland
ISJóhannÖrlygssonUniversity of Akureyri
LTAldonaBalciunaiteCenter for Physical Sciences and Technology
LVElinaDaceUniversity of Latvia
LVMarisKlavinsUniversity of Latvia
MTGeorgeAttardAgency For The Governance Of Agricultural Bio-Resources
NOJorgeMarchettiNorwegian University of Life Sciences
NOCorinnaNetzerNorwegian University of Science and Technology
PTCatarinaNobreInstituto Politécnico de Portalegre
PTDiogoSantosInstituto Superior Técnico
PLTomaszGolecInstytut Energetyki
ROMariaParaschivMaria Paraschiv
SISelestinaGorgievaUniversity of Maribor
SIOihanaGordobilInnoRenew CoE
SKElenaKarnišová PotockáSlovak Academy of Sciences
TRNazife IşıkSEMERCİAnkara University
BEBertLagrainBert Lagrain
BEFrederikRonsseFaculty of Bioscience Engineering
BAElvisAhmetovićUniversity of Tuzla
BANovoPržuljFaculty of Agriculture
BGMargaritaPopovaInstitute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry
BGIliyanaNaydenovaTechnical University of Sofia
RSBojanaBajicFaculty of Technology Novi Sad
RSMartaTrninićThe Academy of Technical Applied Studies Belgrade