WIRE – CA20127 – Waste biorefinery technologies for accelerating sustainable energy processes

By 2030, the bio-based economy is expected to have grown significantly in Europe. One of the pillars of this bioeconomy is the concept of BIOREFINERY, the sustainable processing of several kinds of waste and biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy. While in the past many research efforts have been conducted towards understanding, modelling and designing conversion processes that can sustain a true circular economy, this KNOWLEDGE IS QUITE FRAGMENTED and UNEVENLY DISTRIBUTED across Europe. Several countries lack proper policies and public engagement to address the challenges ahead. HARMONIZATION must start on ROBUST KNOWLEDGE, and the ability to cover the WHOLE VALUE-CHAIN, from source materials up to the marketable products… and that is WIRE’s mission.

The WIRE COST Action broadly organizes into 4 KEY WORKING GROUPS (WG) that bring together experts from ACADEMIA, INDUSTRY and TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER organizations:

WG 1: Raw Materials

WG 2: Biorefinery Conversion Technologies

WG 3: Biorefinery Applications

WG 4: Communication and Dissemination. 

These WG will proactively contribute to:

  • Promote circular economy
  • Promote bioenergy and bioeconomy
  • Promote Research & Innovation in the field
  • Promote applied research towards the implementation of biorefineries 
  • Promote EU-wide harmonization of the scientific and technical approaches regarding biorefineries, thus facilitating ENGAGEMENT WITH POLICY-MAKERS and industry
  • Pave the ground for a more effective link with the relevant INDUSTRY sectors and gathering their interest.


MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)



  1. Read the Project Description MoU
  2. Inform the Action Chair of your interest (Prof. Paulo Brito | pbrito@ipportalegre.pt)
  3. Set up an account on e-cost: https://e-services.cost.eu/
  4. Apply to join WIRE COST Action CA20127 and your Working Groups of interest:
  5. Get updated at the official WIRE website: http://wire-cost-eu.ipportalegre.pt/  
  6. Please note that Management Committee nominations are carried out through the COST National Contact Points


Number of COST members represented: 34

Number of ITC countries: 19

Number of WG participants so far: 503