WIRE Management Structure – Core Group

Action chair / Grant Holder Scientific Representative:
Prof. Paulo Brito | pbrito@ipportalegre.pt

Action Vice-chair:
Dr. George Skevis | gskevis@certh.gr

Science Communication Coordinator:
Dr. Catarina Nobre | catarina.nobre@ipportalegre.pt

Grant Awarding Coordinator:
Dr. Mara de Joannon | dejoannon@irc.cnr.it

WG1 Leader:
Dr. Eduardo Robles | eduardo.robles@univ-pau.fr

WG2 Leader:
Dr. Marta Trninić | mtrninic@politehnika.edu.rs

WG3 Leader:
Dr. Corinna Maria Grottola | corinnamaria.grottola@stems.cnr.it

WG4 Leader:
Dr. Diogo Santos | diogosantos@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Industrial Liaison Coordinator:
Prof Fabian Mauss | fmauss@b-tu.de
The following duties were delegated upon the Core Group by MC decision via e-Vote (27/01/2022):
1) Budgetary decisions
• To reallocate unspent budget up to 10,000 EUR
2) Action participation
• Approve applications to WGs
• Decide on selection criteria
3) STSMs, ITC Conference Grants, Dissemination Grants, VM Grants
• Agree on evaluation and selection criteria
• Agree on evaluation committee composition (if any)
• To issue calls for awarding grants
• Pre-select eligible candidates
• To organize the evaluation and ranking of applications
• To evaluate the received applications against agreed evaluation criteria
• Approve applications and decide on the amount of each grant
4) Organizing events (Meetings, Workshops, Training Schools, etc.)
• Decide on invitees and list of reimbursed participants in meetings and trainers in a training school
• Decide on the final program (e.g., talks, posters)
• To decode the logistics of the venue, schedule, and social events of the respective meetings/training schools, respecting the allocated budget for LOS (Local Organizer Support)
The following task was delegated to the Action Chair and Grant Holder Manager by MC decision via e-Vote (27/01/2022):
• Cancel invitations not answered in 15 days