WIRE’s MC Meeting and 1st Working Groups Workshop
Portalegre, 10-12th May 2022
The program of this event can be found here.
The presentations are available in the following links:

Margarida Gonçalves (FCT-NOVA, Portugal): Dr. Margarida Gonçalves completed her PhD in Chemistry in 1994 from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is an Associated Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Researcher at MEtRICs-Center for Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability and Collaborator at VALORIZA-Research Center for the Enhancement of Endogenous Resources. She has published 70 articles in specialized journals, indexed by Scopus. It is author of 13 book chapters and 1 book. She supervised 8 doctoral theses and co-supervised 2. Supervised 34 master’s dissertations and co-supervised 10. Supervised 4 undergraduate/bachelor’s degree completion work(s) and co-supervised 5. Received 2 awards and/or honors. She participated as Researcher in 9 projects and Researcher in charge in 9 projects. She works in the areas of Engineering Sciences and Technologies, particularly in the field of Biomass Sciences and Technology.

Francisco Gírio (LNEG, Portugal): Dr. Francisco Gírio is Principal Researcher and Head of Bioenergy Department of LNEG-National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Lisbon, Portugal since 2009. In his research career participated as researcher in more than 47 research projects on lignocellulose bioconversion being coordinator of 14. He is currently member of the Management Board of Bioenergy Joint Program of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA-Bioenergy) and member of the Steering Committee of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Bioenergy (ETIP-Bioenergy). He is also member of the Scientific Council and Board of Trustees of the Spanish Institute IMDEA Energy (Spain) and he is President of SIADEB – Iberoamerican Society for the Development of Biorefineries. He published more than 100 scientific papers and more than 200 papers and lectures in international conferences.

Joachim Venus (ATB, Germany): Dr. Joachim Venus, Senior Scientist “Industrial Biotechnology” holds a diploma on Biotechnology and a PhD on Bioengineering. He is head of the research group bioconversion and coordinator for the research program “Material and energetic use of biomass” at the ATB. His work emphasized on the development and scale-up of continuous mode fermentation processes for the production of fine & basic chemicals – in particular organic acid – from biogenic resources. He is in charge of numerous (inter-)national research projects being carried out in the multi-functional pilot plant for the development and optimization of bioprocesses based on biomass and residues. He has published a great deal of papers in well-known journals of those research fields. Moreover, he has taken part in numerous presentations and proceedings, such as in “World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing”, EFIB, and RRB. He works as a reviewer for more than 80 scientific journals.

Bert Lagrain (KU Leuven, Belgium): Dr. Bert Lagrain (M) holds a PhD in Bioscience Engineering since 2007 in the field of cereal chemistry and food science. In 2009 and 2012 he was a visiting researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Food Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He joined the Centre for Sustainable Catalysis and Engineering of the KU Leuven in 2013 as an Innovation Manager in the domain of the catalytic and chemical engineering technology for the biorefinery. He authored more than 62 peer-reviewed papers (ISI) in the domain of (applied) chemistry with an h-index of 31. He is responsible for the translation of academic research toward industrial applications and coordinates the national and international funding applications of the group and the technology transfer. In this regard Bert successfully acquired research funding from the EU programmes H2020 and Interreg; from different regional funding sources and through bilateral agreements with multiple companies. Currently, Bert is extended team member of the Board of Catalisti, the Flemish spearhead cluster for chemistry and plastics, board member of the Leuven Institute for Material Research (L-MRC) and member of the Management Committee of the COST action WIRE.

Corinna Netzer (): Earned my Ph.D. in 2019 at the Brandenburg University of Technology in the group of Prof. Fabian Mauss. Since 2019 Postdoctoral researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in the combustion kinetics group of Prof. Dr. Terse Løvås. Research focuses on modeling pyrolysis and gasification of bio-originated waste streams, Waste-to-Energy plants, and fuel-to-Power applications. All employed reduced-order and 3D CFD models are based on detailed chemistry.

Reinhard Rauch (KIT, Germany): Dr. Reinhard Rauch studied technical Chemistry at the Technical University Vienna from 1988-1996. Has a diploma thesis entitled “Biomass Gasification in an Internal Circulating Fluidised Bed” and did his PhD Thesis at TU Vienna about:” Production of Synthesis Gas from Biomass”. He is a Full Professor for “Chemical Conversion of Renewable Energies” at Engler-Bunte-Institute, KIT since 2017. He’s main interests and research topics are: Advanced Biofuels and Power to Liquids; Biomass Gasification and usage of the gas for synthesis gas applications (Fischer Tropsch, Methanation, Hydrogen, Alcohols); Analytics and Measurements of synthesis gas; Optimisation of commercial biomass CHPs based on gasification; and upgrading of fuels via hydroprocessing.

Maria G. Antoniou (CUT, Cyprus): Dr. Maria G. Antoniou is an Assistant Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of the Cyprus University of Technology. She has a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Cyprus (2002) and completed a PhD in the Water Quality Program at the University of Cincinnati in March 2010. During her PhD research, she served as a Guest Visitor at the US EPA in Cincinnati, where she performed experiments for her thesis work. Dr. Antoniou also worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow at DTU-Environment at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). During her doctoral and Post-doctoral tenures she utilized advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for the removal of emerging contaminants, such as cyanotoxins and pharmaceuticals from water and wastewater, respectively. At CUT she established the Water Treatment Laboratory-AQUA, where research activities related to the application of emerging AOPs are used for the treatment of water, wastewater, and soil for the removal of emerging and persistent contaminants. Her research group was involved in a number of projects related to water treatment, including: CYANOBOX, a project funded from the Research Promotion Foundation (RIF) of Cyprus on an “Automated In-situ Cyanotoxin Assessment Toolbox for Real-Time Surface Water Monitoring” (ENTERPRISES/0618/0157) in collaboration with CyRIC. CYanoCons I and II, which was funded by Cyprus Seeds, a non- profit organization that aims to bring academic research to the market. CYanoCons I and II focuses on novel methods for mitigating harmful algal blooms in situ. In February 2018, she was assigned as lead partner from Cyprus for the InrerregMed Program RELIVE-WASTE (2/2018-4/2021) which aimed to improve innovation capacities of private and public actors for sustainable and profitable REcycling of LIVEstock WASTE. The research group of Dr. Antoniou coordinates testing and all related implementation activities for the AD pilots that produce struvite, to analysis protocols, data collection protocols and reporting. The CUT pilot produced struvite of high purity that was free of pathogens, and carcinogens. CYanoTech is the newest project of the group that was funded from RIF (success rate <10%) and it aims to provide a sustainable and innovative management system for toxic cyanobacteria blooming of surface waters with combined energy production, sustainable agriculture, and food safety (duration 1/3/2022-29/2/2024).

Jean-Bernard Michel (RFWF, Switzerland): Jean-Bernard Michel, Ph.D in Energy technologies (Valenciennes, 1983), Advisory Board Member, Race for Water Foundation (www.raceforwater.org/en ), consultant and trainer. Professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEPIA and HEIG-VD) from 2004 to 2018 where he initiated and led many R&D projects in the field of biomass and waste recovery in the fields of energy and of the environment. He acts as trainer for Cenertec in Portugal and also acted as consultant and trainer in Morocco, India and China on several occasions. He has gained and extensive experience in energy processes and R&D in several internationally renowned laboratories in the Netherlands and Switzerland (IFRF, Battelle, CSEM). He advises several companies for the energy recovery of waste and new energy technologies, and he continues to train engineers in renewable energies, bioenergy, and waste recycling at his university and abroad. He is also: Founder and member of the advisory committee of the Swiss association for Project; Management, www.project-management.ch; IPMA Level B © Certified Project Manager (2001-2020); Member of the committee of the Swiss Technology Park for the Environment, www.tecorbe.ch since 2013.

Rui Galhano dos Santos (C5Lab, CERENA, IST-ULisboa, Portugal): Rui Galhano dos Santos got his PhD in Organic Chemistry in 2013 from the University of Lisbon, after having completed his degree in Chemistry in 2006 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. He is a senior researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico. He frequently lectures at Instituto Superior Técnico and Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. He has published more than 30 articles in scientific journals and is co-inventor in 9 patents. Presently, his studies are mainly focused and involves the studies and development of new strategies to up-cycle biomass and wastes for the production of added-valuable chemicals and/or materials as well as for the productions of bio-fuels. Besides his exceptional knowledge of biomass liquefaction, organic synthesis, and carbohydrate chemistry, he has a scientific background in polymer chemistry, extraction, and separation of natural compounds, chemical structure elucidation, 1D and 2D–NMR, green chemistry, scale-up of chemical processes, biorefineries. In early 2016, Rui Galhano dos Santos became a permanent member of CERENA – Center for Natural Resources and Environment.

Eoin Syron (UCD, Ireland): Dr Eoin Syron is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering in University College Dublin, where his research examines energy and environmental systems. After completing his PhD in 2007 researching the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor, Eoin worked for Veolia Water in both the USA and at their R&D Centre in Paris where he worked on innovative biological systems for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater. In 2011 Eoin returned to UCD and in 2014 along with Professor Eoin Casey he Co-Founded Oxymem Ltd, who launched the world’s first commercial MABR. Eoin currently leads the research in the UCD Energy Institute into the generation and use of renewable molecules to support the energy transition in the integrated energy system.

Alejandro Rodríguez (UCO, Spain): Dr Rodríguez obtained his doctorate in Chemical Sciences from the University of Córdoba in 2002. He worked as “Profesor Ayudante and Ayudante Doctor” from 2002 to 2006 at Pablo de Olavide University, Seville. In January 2007 he joined the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Córdoba with a “Ramón y Cajal” Contract (call 2006). Professor since 27/11/2011 and Full Professor since 29/05/2021. Group leader of Bioprocess and Products Engineering (RNM940). The main research line is focused on the biorefinery of the lignocellulosic residues from agri-food activity. He has participated in several regional, national, and European projects, as a principal researcher and as a researcher. Several collaborations with SME. Google Scholar h=37, total cites 3966, Scopus h=33, total cites 2951. 100% of the published works from 2015 have been cited. More than 40% of the articles published in the last 5 years have been international collaborations. 119 indexed articles (74 Q1 / 43 D1), >90 International Congresses, invited conferences presented at ANQUE ICCE 2012 and World Congress and Expo on Recycling 2015. Co-authored 3 books, 5 book chapters and edited 1. Supervisor of 9 doctoral theses (5 with international mention), currently supervising 4 (international mention).

Ana Paula Ramos (FCT-NOVA, Portugal): Ana Paula RAMOS is a Chemical Engineer, graduated by Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon, Portugal) in 1983, with a MSc in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (2021, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa). At present, she is developing her PhD studies in Bioenergy at the NOVA School of Science and Technology. Member of Engineers Order since 1984, she holds several qualifications in General Management, having over 35 years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry. She was Executive Corporate Manager of Quality for 15 years at Galp Energia and designed Galp Energia’s Integrated Management System (SIG), whose implementation, and certification she leaded, in a strategic initiative that involved hundreds of people. She was also in charge of supervising Galp’s Internal Audit Programme and the Galp Pool of Auditors (Environment, Quality, Safety, Energy and Social Responsibility) and has promoted the approach to audit management from a perspective of risk and continuous improvement, and led several corporate fora in this domain. Member of the Galp Energia’s Auditors Pool since its inception, in the 90’s, has been qualified as ISO 9001 Lead Auditor and Certified Internal Quality Auditor by APCER. In the last 13 years of career led several transformational projects. She was responsible for the launch and development of new IT platforms focused on process improvement and leaded the launch of a new Organizational Unit at Galp (Iberian Contact Center and Back-Office services) in 2003, where she was Executive Manager. At the beginning of her professional career has developed applied research activities and was responsible for the Accreditation (NP EN 45001) of the Galp´s Fuels Laboratory in 1993, having been Laboratory Executive Manager since that year until closure of facilities. She was a Member of the “Fuel Emission Management Group” at CONCAWE, on behalf of Galp Energia from 2007 to 2020, when she retired. At present, she is Member of Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ) Technical Committees: CT80 – Quality Management and Quality Assurance and CT213 – Governance of Organisations with Expert status, Member of RELACRE, (Portuguese Association of Accredited Laboratories) and Member of Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade (APQ).
Photos of the event
Local Committee (IPPortalegre)
Paulo Brito
Catarina Nobre
Roberta Panizio
Ana Carolina Assis
Margarida Santos
Eveline Andrade
Vítor Silva
Bruna Petry
Local Organizer Support
Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (IPPortalegre)
International Committee (WIRE Core Group)
Paulo Brito
George Skevis
Mara de Joannon
Fabian Mauss
Corinna Maria Grottola
Marta Trninic
Maciej Kluz
Diogo Santos
Catarina Nobre